Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Pin Hole (week four)(Photography)

This is a diagram of the Pin Hole Camera that we used unless you are unsure.
  In our fourth session with Howard, by using a small wooden box with a slightly bigger than pin-sized hole on one side which also acts as the shutter, and a piece of photographic paper attatched on the opposite side within the box (if you get what I mean), we were able to create another negative exposure. In order to do so, we:

1) Went into the darkroom to attatch the photographic paper and paste all gaps externally on the box (including the shutter pin hole) with black electrical tape as any additional light will ruin the exposure (which will be revealed when we developped it at the end the session).

2) Took the box outside and placed it on a flat surface where it (the Pin Hole) would be exposed to a lot of light.

3) Set a stopwatch to 2 or 3 minutes depending on how much light there was available, and as soon as this was ready, we removed the black tape on the shutter hole for that amount of time then re-applied it firmly before taking the box and back to the darkroom and developping this exposure.

4) As in other sessions prior, we also created a positive exposure from this negative one!

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