Friday, 12 October 2012

Love Your Body- Poster Design (week 4)

  In our fourth session with Julie, we were instructed to create a poster displaying the message "Love Your Body" in one way or another. Our brief was fairly straightfroward, however, we weren't provided with any images, words and "suitable" fonts as in the first couple of weeks therefore we had to use our imaginations considerably more and I believe that I enjoyed this session a lot more than those beforehand (execpt for the session focused on building a Shrine) for this reason.
  This is the image that I eventually produced within the two hour session:

  This is rather briefexplanation as to how I produced it:

1) Typed "silhouette of a woman" into Google Images and found the background image of the young girl and the tree.

2) Opened it up on Abode Photoshop CS6.

3) I opened a new layer and painted the whole image over in a light pink colour before selecting the rubber with a soft brush to rub out the areas where the girl, tree and ground were. I then lowered the transparency on solely this layer which meant that, although the pink is still visisble as are the details in the sky, for example: the clouds.

4) Next, in order to incorporate the message in my image I selected the text tool (which automatically creates an additional layer) and typed "Love Your Body. Be Free." (the second sentence was initially inspired by the fact that the girl is holding her arms out wide towards the sky). Nevertheless, I felt that there was a lot of negative space in the image therefore, by using "copy" and "paste", I was able to occupy all this space. Furthermore, it then appeared too crowded so I selected a colour, used in the sky and changed all the text to this same colour so the text once visible over the sky had mostly now become invisible.

5) Finally, I wanted to highlight the message, "Love Your Body" so I simply selected it once in the text and changed its colour to white. Its subtyle, yet PERFECT!

  At the end of the session, after Julie had seen the image we had created, I was told to use Abode InDesign CS6 to produce a range of posters, with different layouts, that included this image. I made two in the last twenty minutes and they will uploaded shortly. :)


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