Sunday, 30 September 2012

Quantum Leap (week two) - Words for Images

  Similarly to the structure of our first session we were given a hand-out to each pair with a list of various words; however, not solely positive words this time round. We were then instructed, when we had been shown examples from other groups, to use Photoshop once more to layer various images that related to this word (or more than one), afterhaving found there meanings on the internet if necessary. As long as you could justify a link between each image you decided to include within your work, you could use a picture of just about everything! We then had to find a font that somewhat relates to the topic chosen, as well as incorporate the word(s) onto the page eventually.

  Haha :D Despite the fact that I had computer problems throughout the two hour session, maling it almost impossible to complete this task there and then, I was able to create this image the following morning in the college library:
I chose the word "Demonic" for the following reasons: 1) I felt it would be unique and stand out against my friends work because I believed that no one else in the class would pick it as their first choice due, alternatively to those others thatwere available like "war", "cyber" or "love" and 2) I immediately had an original idea of being able to create such an image because I remembered that I had completed a similar arrangement with similar images during a GCSE project, 2 years ago. I like: the effect created by image transparency which enables me to add depth to an image, the contrast created by juxtoposing these specific colours and finally, how I was able to highlight detail like the vein running through the skulls forehead through the use of the blur / sharpening tool, which also makes it more eye-catching I think!

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